Use "demonstrate|demonstrated|demonstrates|demonstrating" in a sentence

1. In 2014, scientists demonstrated good cloaking performance in murky water, demonstrating that an object shrouded in fog can disappear completely when appropriately coated with metamaterial.

2. Pioneer Astronautics Demonstrates New Balloon Flight System Pioneer successfully demonstrated a new kind of balloon flight system called the Gas Replacement System (GRS)

3. The crowd was demonstrating tumultuously.

4. A necessarily true b asserting that a property holds necessarily, (Compare) → problematic → 2 → assertoric (C17: from Latin Apodicticus, from Greek apodeiktikos clearly demonstrating, from apodeiknunai to demonstrate) ♦ apodeictically, apodictically adv

5. Audited company accounts demonstrating personal income.

6. Illustration demonstrating an anteflexed, Anteverted normal uterus

7. Cronies demonstrates how George W

8. In 2 cases with primary hypothyroidism the increase of Porter-Silberchromogenes was lower, but solvent-distribution and thin-layer-differentiation demonstrated a high increase of 11-deoxysteroids, thus demonstrating a normal adrenocortical stimulation.

9. Demonstrating authority; commanding: the captain's Authoritative manner

10. Gay activists were demonstrating outside the cinema.

11. Demonstrating product capabilities to existing and prospective clients.

12. We conclude this section by demonstrating this equivalence.

13. Campaigners were demonstrating against the slaughter of dolphins.

14. The dissertation demonstrates Chinese banking fragility.

15. Up to 10% cash back  · Antidromal and synaptic responses were demonstrated in the same parietal cortex neurons, demonstrating a double connection between the intrinsic nuclei of the pons and the associated parietal cortex

16. The election demonstrates democracy in action.

17. There have been no experiments demonstrating Abiogenesis in action.

18. They are demonstrating in favour of free higher education.

19. Bracketing, or for addressing the problem of demonstrating validity

20. Test patch and its use for demonstrating contact allergy

21. Levinson demonstrates consummate ease with this material.

22. This report demonstrates the Image Link field.

23. Fizz lost her temper, demonstrating the Aptness of her nickname

24. The following example demonstrates the Beep method

25. 13 The election demonstrates democracy in action.

26. This video demonstrates the working of Coining operation

27. Demonstrates how to reduce flicker with double buffering.

28. Tests for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of transport

29. Symptoms: Patients of Acalculia demonstrate

30. Be enthusiastic in demonstrating the value of this fascinating publication.

31. Typically, first degree Attempted murder charges require significant evidence demonstrating premeditation

32. Eventually, most of the strain demonstrates no Broodiness …

33. The seniors were demonstrating and were question , on campus, to desist.

34. Brendan Duterte demonstrates circumcision with the Mogen Clamp

35. Demonstrates basic understanding of data manipulation language (DML).

36. This experiment demonstrates the theory of pinhole imaging.

37. Demonstrate inviting Bible student to Memorial.

38. The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.

39. • establish an accountability regime demonstrating appropriate spending of O&M funds.

40. The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.

41. He's got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.

42. Stabilized Allicin has demonstrated significant

43. How this demonstrated his power!

44. demonstrate what you mean by that?

45. School Commercialism demonstrates why his voice is listened to

46. It demonstrates an individualized new space of human art.

47. Joanne Meier, demonstrates the sounds that the Consonant letters make

48. This article demonstrates how to create and consume Xamarin.Forms Behaviors

49. This tutorial demonstrates methods of generating exploded Axonometric in Rhino

50. 2 Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility.

51. 12 This example demonstrates how to handle an abbreviationan acronym.

52. Adults may demonstrate problem sexual Behaviors prior to a child's disclosure of sexual abuse.These Behaviors can alert other adults and older children that this is a high-risk individual.Never leave a child unsupervised around a person who demonstrates these Behaviors.

53. Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups demonstrating for and against independence.

54. This demonstrates that anterior-facing Blastemas are not heads

55. Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility.

56. Percussionist and educator, Kalani, demonstrates how to play the Cowbell

57. 1609 – Galileo Galilei demonstrates his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers.

58. 1 The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.

59. 18 This simplified model of a carousel demonstrates this force.

60. Demonstrate presentation of latest issues of magazines.

61. How do the senses demonstrate God’s goodness?

62. One notable example is the viral video Will It Blend? demonstrating Blendtec blenders.

63. On the Day of the Disabled (December 3rd), many amputees were demonstrating.

64. 14 Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising.

65. What faith did Abel demonstrate, and how?

66. • In what ways can we demonstrate humility?

67. You need to demonstrate more self-control.

68. Thousands demonstrated against the price increases.

69. The philosopher demonstrated a philosophical principle.

70. He had demonstrated considerable business acumen.

71. He demonstrated an openness to change.

72. Individuals who Certify open doors to career opportunities by demonstrating verifiable, marketable skills

73. handshake photo, joint press conference, conspicuously demonstrating the renewal of ties between Israel...

74. How did Ammon demonstrate love for Lamoni?

75. And I'm going to demonstrate for you.

76. Both demonstrate the dangers of the monoculture.

77. We are defending the right to demonstrate.

78. Demonstrate how each issue may be offered.

79. Its individuality, demonstrated in the skyline.

80. 8 Thomas Edison demonstrates his phonograph for the first time.